Edinburgh based
Language & Literacy Services

Consultancy services
Language development in schools
I was a key player in developing new provision within secondary schools for young people with language impairments working with both the charity AFASIC and the local authority and schools. This work resulted in a publication entitled “Including young people with speech, language and communication difficulties in secondary schools.
More recently I was part of a multidisciplinary group who devised and implemented strategy to improve literacy attainments among the lowest achieving children in a local authority. An initiative that I developed and implemented (now called Word Boost) was highly commended at the 2011 Educational Authority Awards. Ceremony.
I also participated in the Scottish Government Literacy hub approach as a member of the South of Scotland interauthority hub to share and develop good practice with regard to literacy.
Based on these experiences, I offer consultancy to government or local authority on enhancing language development in children to improve life chances and attainment.
Having worked extensively in classes at both primary and secondary level, I offer input into strategy or classroom practice for oral and written language development.
I have had extensive experience of reviewing classroom materials to identify the language structures that make understanding more problematic. I have even discussed these language barriers with the Scottish Qualification Authority. When barriers are identified I provide support to revise or develop teaching materials with more accessible language. I can do this at all school levels and for Further Education Colleges.
I have devised and delivered postgraduate education relating to oral language development, language impairment and the connections between oral and written language so I can write and deliver individual lectures or a series of lectures or workshops on language development and impairment and the relationship of language to literacy development
Having studied to Doctorate level and having carried out some evaluations within schools, I can provide input and support for proposed evaluations or research.
As a highly experienced speaker and presenter, I can offer advice on developing and structuring presentations and on engaging delivery. I therefore provide input to help with creating and delivering presentations.
I have also played a major role in creating short films relating to speech and language impairments and the role of the Speech and Language Therapist. I can therefore support you to create or develop instructional or educational films.
If your document would benefit from review and editing, I can advise on structure and content thus offering peer review of documents relating to language development and disorders.
In providing professional support, I have considerable experience of mentoring and was a finalist for Mentor of the Year in the NHS Lothian Celebrating Success awards 2014.