Edinburgh based
Language & Literacy Services

Some conference presentations and invited lectures
Nash, M Talk , Read, Write :Connecting oral and written language in secondary students
NAPLIC conference Aston Business school Birmingham
Nash, M., Earl, G., Rutherford, M., Baines, C., and Littlewood, E.
Developing Vocabulary for Literacy in an area of Socio Economic Disadvantage. Poster for workshop on “The acquisition of form-to-meaning links in reading: Current and future directions in developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience.”
University of Cambridge
Nash, M. ‘Grasping the Nettle’: Measuring the impact of Speech and Language Therapy initiated vocabulary teaching to promote literacy. Conference of Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. Perth Scotland
Nash, M. ‘So Words don’t fail them’. Vocabulary teaching in schools. Invited lectures. Brighton and Hove
Nash, M. Fitting the bill for vocabulary Development. ‘Lost for Words Lost for Life’ Conference. City University London.
Nash, M. Vocabulary Teaching and Learning. Invited lectures. Moor House School Surrey England
Nash, M. Supporting students with SLCN within mainstream secondary schools: towards curriculum relevant therapy. Communication Trust
Plenary lecture Centre Point, London
Nash, M. Supporting secondary school learners with language difficulties - the student, the school and the SLT. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Nash, M. Supporting Adolescents with Language Impairments in Secondary Education. Invited presentation NHS Primary Care Conference Birmingham
Nash, M. Word-learning in Children with Specific Language Impairment: Theory, Diagnosis and Intervention. Invited workshop. Centre for Developmental language disorders and cognitive neuroscience. University College, London
Nash, M. Supporting students with SLCN within mainstream secondary schools; towards curriculum relevant therapy Manchester
Nash, M., Bremner, L., Rutherford, M. (2009) . Understanding Emotion. East of Scotland Professional Interest Group, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh
A clinical assessment tool for ‘mentalising’ ability. O’Hare A E, Bremner, L., Nash, M and Pettigrew, L. Free Paper Session on Mental activity, communication and language. European Academy of Childhood Disability Annual Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Nash, M. ‘Growing up with a Speech and Language Impairment’ invited lecture. Afasic conference. Edinburgh
Nash, M. Supports for pupils with Dyslexia: Insights from secondary resource schools in Edinburgh Launch of HMI e report on Education for learners with Dyslexia Invited workshop Edinburgh
Nash, M. Supporting pupils with language difficulties in mainstream secondary schools: The research-practice-research circle. University of York.
Nash, M. and Easton. E. Supporting pupils with language difficulties in secondary schools: A focus on English
Together to get it right for every child’ I CAN Conference - Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University.
Law, J., Forsyth, K., Bremner, L., Maciver, D., Adamson, A., and Nash, M. Systematic review and language impairment: matching review question and methodology. Afasic 4th International Symposium, Warwick University.
Nash, M., Mackie, L., Carroll, L.and Wilson, G.
Speech and Language Therapy in mainstream secondary schools – a developing model of practice Warwick University.
Law, J., Forsyth, K., Bremner, L., Maciver, D., and Adamson, A. and Nash, M. Combining systematic review and practitioner decision making-an interdisciplinary approach from speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Annual General Meeting and Conference, September 2006, Edinburgh.
Nash, M. and Donaldson M. Probing the nature of word learning difficulties in children with Specific language Impairment. Paper presented at Xth International Congress on Child Language. Universityof Berlin.
Nash, M. and Donaldson M. Word Learning in Children with Specific Language Impairment. Poster presented at the British Dyslexia Conference, University of York.